Over Seventy-seven percent of the US internet audience watched online video, and video advertising was the fastest-growing segment of online ad spending.
According to Forrester Research, 60 seconds of video is the equivalent of 1.8 million words. We’re expecting online video viewership to continue to grow significantly. We intend to make sure that our clients can capitalize on this growing opportunity.
We Can Help You
- Increase your reach by putting your content on all screens
- Drive more revenue with superior advertising and paywall tools
- Maximize engagement with more and deeper viewer insights
It used to be when a company contracted for a video project it would be shown on a TV monitor or large projection for an event. Today video can be used for any audio / visual communication and can be delivered on giant screens or to mobile devices. Companies use video to communicate a richer and more effective message than text or interactive presentations.
L.A. Management has received industry recognition with 12 Telly Awards in just the past 4 years. A Corporate video production is like a full color brochure that moves and talks. We live in a visual, fast-paced world where people demand entertainment and instant gratification. If a message fails to be communicated in a fast and powerful way, it is lost. And with distribution opportunities exploding on multiple video web portals, social media, private online learning centers, trade shows and corporate events there is no more cost effective method of delivering your message. Why is video the right solution for your next communication initiative?